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Could dark energy simply be multiple (far) eon-spanning black holes, much older than billions of years old?

I’ve always been interested in astrophysics, and I’ve had a question that I can’t stop thinking about for the past year. I would like someone to help me understand what I’m missing, because I couldn’t find anything about it, and couldn’t find anything against it (without a counterargument). 

The idea is simply stated: could dark energy simply be multiple far eon-spanning black holes, more than quadrillions, octillions, googols of years old?

Here’s some explanations / details:

Firstly, this doesn’t change anything that we currently agree on: the Big Bang and its age, the effects of dark energy, gravity, etc. It just adds on top, explaining dark energy with nothing more than what we know.

Here are some assumptions that make the idea (possibly) work:

  • The full universe is infinite, or much bigger than the known and observable universe (let’s not debate that, we don’t know)
  • The universe is much, much older than 13,8 billion years old.
    • (The big bang is not the start of it)
    • The idea doesn’t take into account how it all started, it’s irrelevant and out of scope.
  • As stated above, the Big Bang is not the start of the universe. So it’s not the universe. It’s just a small part of it: there’s more matter around it that was already there.

If the big bang isn’t the beginning of the universe, what is it?

As a preamble, I’ll just mention my current understanding of how stars of different sizes die differently:

  • Low-Mass Stars die by swelling and radiate mass, finishing in a small white dwarf.
  • Higher-Mass Stars die faster with a supernova, finishing in a black hole.
    • The bigger the star, the bigger the black hole.

Black holes then radiate their mass:

  • Hawking radiation estimates the evaporation of a black hole in the order of magnitude of one googol years (depending on the mass of the black hole, can be longer or much shorter, relatively).

So here comes the beginning of the universe:

  • Small black holes slowly die by radiating mass
  • Higher-mass black holes will engulf everything around them, increasing in mass until they have galaxy-scale mass.
    • They’re called supermassive black holes, usually in the center of galaxies.
    • They take billions of years to form.
  • Higher-mass black holes will engulf galaxy clusters, increasing in mass until they have universe-scale mass. 
    • We didn’t really observe any. We only see mega galaxy clusters like the Hercules–Corona Borealis Great Wall, that might at some point become a bigger black hole containing multiple galaxies from that.
    • They probably take trillions, quadrillions, quintillions … (or much more) years to form.
    • And these black holes … let’s call them Eon-Spanning Black Holes (ESBH), because “supermassive” is taken (There’s also some people using the term ultramassive blackholes with more than 5 billion solar masses (M))
    • But what I’m talking about here is a blackhole with the order of magnitude of the mass of the currently known universe. That’s probably (from what we know) … sextillions of M.

I don’t know if you’re seeing where I’m going, but I said that bigger stars make explosions. So what I’m suggesting is that “the big bang” is actually an ESBH that exploded (like a supernova for big stars exploding, an ESBH exploding would be a big bang).

It went so massive, and so small, that it couldn’t contain itself. Physics “broke” (figuratively) and created the universe as we know it.

So the idea is that our big bang is actually not “the big bang”, but “a big bang”.

And the scale of time is humongous, titanic, unimaginable. Perhaps in googols of years?

13,8 billion years is not even noticeable in the lifetime of such a humongous black hole.

The big picture

In the grand scheme of things, there would be an infinite collection of ESBHs, with the occasional “big bang” of one of the ESBH, resulting in a blip of chaos, absorbed by all ESBHs eventually, or forming another one, in just a few octillions of years (perhaps more, I don’t know about the time scale).

Dark Energy

Here’s my simplified understanding of dark energy: After our big bang exploded, it began slowing down, due to the mass of what the explosion contained, pulling itself back together. We initially naively thought that it would continue slowing down, and possibly even come back collapsing on itself, “the big crunch”.

The big crunch is no longer plausible, because of “dark energy” (that’s how we call it, because we don’t know what it is), that makes the universe expand again, after it slowed down from its initial explosion velocity.

The infinite collection of ESBHs described above explains the dark energy, being what we call gravity on ESBH scales.

The current universe is around 28.5 gigaparsecs (Gpc) in circumference.

Let’s say that the average distance between all ESBHs is around 700 Gpc.

That would mean there’s a bunch of ESBHs pulling everything from “our big bang” towards them.

At first, even a black hole of 10 sextillions of M wouldn’t have much pull from 700 Gpc. Also considering that there are ESBHs all around, so they’re pretty much all negating each other (as they were all in equilibrium before the big bang).

From the current observations we made, it looks like at around 8-10 billions years old, the big bang’s size expansion started accelerating. From maybe around 3 Gpc in circumference.

At 697 Gpc, ESBHs could start to gradually have a non-negligible pull, accelerating with time. Also, the pull from the other ESBHs on the other side would now be from 703 Gpc, not 700, so that’s an additive effect towards the expansion of the Big Bang, adding to the fact that the peripheral galaxies would be less pulled from the big bang’s mass, the further away from its center it would be.

1D Estimation

I made a quick 1D estimation to see if it would make sense, and even though it’s a gross simplification, it seems like it could be possible.

Here’s 2 graphs (one for the first 4 billion years and another for the rest), followed by more details:


Using the following: UsedFor1DEstimation

With a big bang starting at position 0, a peripheral galaxy (meaning: its position is the radius of the universe) moving at 1c after 370000 years (using current estimates), then slowing down due to the mass of the other matter from the Big Bang, and then accelerated by 2 ESBHs located at 700 Gpc on both sides, I get 0,56 Gpc at 8 billion years old, 1,64 Gpc at 8 billion years old, and 14,15 Gpc at 13,78 billion years old, which is close to the agreed upon sizes of around 1,5 Gpc between 8 and 10 billion years, and 14,13 Gpc now (~13,78 billions year)



I feel like it’s possible? I don’t know if it’s probable, so that’s why I’m asking. Any insights?

P.S. Sorry for my English, my native language is French, but I thought I would have more chances of finding answers in English, and also I mostly learned astrophysics from English sources.

Posted In Information by MartinGamsby. Pas de commentaires

Music Generation

So, I created something to generate music, but it’s not quite as I expected it to be.

Here’s an example:

But the problem is … I don’t have a way to know if the music created is good or not (apart from listening to it myself).

So, I decided to take the problem from the bottom and measure a music’s “beauty”.

But that seemed a little hard also, just because it’s hard to “visualize”, because you know, it’s music.

So, I started checking if I could measure the beauty of images, and start from there to learn how to learn if music is beautiful or not… which started Sceauty:


Some fiction…

I’m currently writing a book. Nothing special, only to distract my mind, in these long public transport trips. I write fiction, not information, because it’s easier to write, in the bus.

That book, that may never be published, has an instructive component, with a “guidance 4” (Guidece for *).

So here’s an excerpt of the book I`m writing (only in french for now)

Posted In Blog Books by MartinGamsby. Pas de commentaires

Talk to your PC

Following the book I published on computers, I started a blog, but I`m missing time to maintain it, for the reason I mentioned earlier.




A computer … how does that work?

So I wrote a “book”… in french.

A really little book, on a subject that I know : computers.

In fact, I wanted to add more information to it, make it bigger, but with my first daughter coming in my life, I don’t have enough time to finish it…

Un ordinateur - comment ça marche - Martin Gamsby

I’m just trying to answer a simple question, that I asked myself very young…

“How can my computer know what I want to do? What sort of magic occurs in that box?”

Posted In Books by MartinGamsby. Pas de commentaires

Goal Do+’s online course : “How To Set And Reach Any Goal You Wish”

Since the launch of my goal management application Goal Do+, I received emails on the futility of my application, and I did not know what to say.

I realized that it is not the application that has a problem, but people who think that it is a “miracle pill”.

Message to all everyone: the “miracle pills” do not exist!

Goal Do+” is a tool to help you achieve your goals, but only goals that were previously established!

You should already know your goals and objectives, seek them, find them, before using the tool …

Online video course

So I created a video course to explain how to set goals and achieve them, to help you through the process.

I’m giving you $ 40 off the advertised price, simply because you have learned about this course right here on this website.

But first, here’s an excerpt: the first course after the introduction:

Get this course for a huge discount, just because you go through this site!

In addition, if you purchased the PRO version of OR +, I give you the course! Just send me an email with the email you used to buy the PRO version, and I send you a coupon to get the course for free!

Website creator

After all this time making websites and other softwares, I noticed something.

It’s EASY to make a website!

With all the tools available nowadays, it’s much easier than most of the people thinks.

I even find it kind of sad to see that some are not doing what they want because they’re scared.

So I decided to make a website builder.

With EzWebsiteCreatorPro, you can make a website in 1m27s!

You can see by yourself how to make a website here

Posted In Softwares - Applications by MartinGamsby. Pas de commentaires

Goal Do + (GoalD+)

Organize your tasks and goals in an optimal way to save time

Do you…
Have a busy life ?
Always forget important dates?

Only one solution
is made to meet your needs

Manage your life

Sort tasks and goals
in an optimal way to save time

GoalD+ is a short, medium and long term goals manager.

Detailed description on GoalD+’s website :

All the goals added can be ordered by date or importance.

So, you can do the most urgent tasks before the others, and the most important ones first.

GoalD+ is designed for those who have a busy schedule, and always end up forgetting everything. For example: students with multiple courses and projects at the same time, ending up forgetting dates, or never do their own projects by mismanagement of their time.

In fact, GoalD+ can simply be used as a todo list of things to do, but there is much more that can be done: a classification of  todos, notifications to remind you of things you have to do, while reminding you of the rewards associated to motivate you.

In addition, GoalD+ can handle longer-term goals, divide them into sub-goals and track progress in a measurable way.

To summarize, you can:

– Add goals and classify them in pre-defined categories (Personal, Training), or defined by you.

– Divide a goal into sub-goals if it is too long.

– See quick goals classified in the order that you have in mind.

– Send notifications to remind you to make short-term tasks, and remember to divide the too big or too long goals, tasks or projects.

– View the progress of a long-term goal or a sub-goal.

Now, go and organize yourself to save time!

Goal Do+ (GoalD+) Android Application

logo de or+, l'application objectif : reussite+During my  user interfaces conception class, I had to design a user interface alone.

During this design project of the future application “Goal Do+ (GoalD Plus)“, a goal manager and personal motivational application, I made a task analysis, a static prototype, rectifications after comments from users of the prototype, and I also designed a dynamic prototype of GoalD+, which allowed me to see possible improvements according to the usage the potential users made of GoalD Plus.

After all this work, I said to myself that it would be stupid to keep it to myself.

So, I decided to continue the prototype, to refine it according to user tests results, and to add functionalities that should be interesting.

It’s not finished, but it’s a project in process, which will probably be in beta version in a few weeks or months!

EDIT: Now available

Use your brain to its maximum to learn quickly and easily

Like I said before, I made a blog to learn to learn better.

Yes, it’s only in french too, sorry if you don’t understand…

Anyway, considering that the blog has become relatively large, I decided to make a condensed Kindle book. You can download it on the Amazon site:

Order “Use your brain to its maximum to learn quickly and easily”
screenshot of the kindle to lean faster


Posted In Books Information by MartinGamsby. Pas de commentaires

A free software designed to make you learn anything without you noticing!

Learning faster, without any effort, is a big task, granted …

But I designed this little software a few years ago:


Qt Reminder
logo of Qt reminder

Full details of this progressive learning and almost subconscious are written inside the website presenting it.
I must admit this site is poor, and that, as I have done everything a few years ago, some features are poorly designed, and sometimes the software (like the site) are not user-friendly.

But, I think the tool is very useful once you have understood. After all, on a few hundred users, if I had no meaningful suggestions, it must be ok … 😉

For your information, I wrote this with the excellent software cross-platform application and UI framework Qt, in C + +.

Here is an overview of the application in action (click on image to enlarge):

Good learning!

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Posted In Softwares - Applications by MartinGamsby. Pas de commentaires

Ninja versus Aliens

Here’s a little game developed in Flash, ActionScript2 (AS2).
aperçu de Ninja vs Aliens

I just decided to try to make a flash game one day, and this is what it became …

A ninja who tries to save the world by destroying all alien ships attacking him, only to destroy a “Boss”. Yet another game.

I did it in English for an almost instantaneous audience, and have feedback on what I did.

Good game !

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Posted In Games by MartinGamsby. Pas de commentaires

Blog: Learn how to learn faster and better

Here is a blog I created a few years ago, entitled:

Apprenez comment mieux apprendre – Secrets de ma réussite – comment apprendre plus vite, et mieuxaperçu de mon blog pour mieux apprendre

Okay, it’s only in french, but hey, if you don’t understand, there’s always Google translate.

I have written all sorts of advice to learn better, faster. Tips, tricks, stories, videos, etc..

I stopped to write by lack of feedback, and perhaps a bit of interest (due to lack of feedback …).

But the content is always to date and very interesting!

Happy reading!

Posted In Blog by MartinGamsby. Pas de commentaires